Defining Success: Developing Locally Meaningful Indicators for Child-centered Psychosocial Programming in Uganda

New publication – Defining Success: Developing Locally Meaningful Indicators for Child-centered Psychosocial Programming in Uganda (Child Protection in Crisis) How can we measure the impact of community-based psychosocial programs on the sustained well-being of children and families? This question was addressed by the Child Protection in Crisis Learning Network through its 2010 ethnographic study in Uganda.Continue reading “Defining Success: Developing Locally Meaningful Indicators for Child-centered Psychosocial Programming in Uganda”

Study on Field-based Programmatic Measures to Protect Education from Attack – new publication

Study on Field-based Programmatic Measures to Protect Education from Attack This study by  GCPEA reported in the new INEE newsletter: This study attempts to create a knowledge base of programmatic measures to protect education from attack. Attacks on education are defined here as attacks on students, educators and other education personnel at education institutions, including abductions,Continue reading “Study on Field-based Programmatic Measures to Protect Education from Attack – new publication”

Education and conflict -Education in Emergencies

INEE has put together an update on education and conflict around the world: 01 March 2011 – Which countries spend more on arms than primary schools? (Guardian) As the UK reviews its foreign aid we take a look at the countries in conflict and what this means for local children and their education. More thanContinue reading “Education and conflict -Education in Emergencies”

“An Enabling Right: Education for Youth Affected by Crisis” -new report

INEE has included reference to the rport on education for youth affected by crisis in their newsletter: Today one person in every five is between the ages of 15 and 24, with around 85 percent of the 1.2 billion youth worldwide living in developing countries. Furthermore, of the world’s 14 million refugees, about 35 percentContinue reading ““An Enabling Right: Education for Youth Affected by Crisis” -new report”