Climate Change – Global Education Strategy?

DFID has produced its latest Global Education Strategy ‘Learning for All”. As a British Government strategy paper it is clear,concise, full of data,evidence and case studies that indicate that the strategy could actually be implemented -unless there is a change in government! What does the Strategy say? The UK remains committed to the Millennium DevelopmentContinue reading “Climate Change – Global Education Strategy?”

Escuela Nueva -adapting the model for displaced young people

What is Escuela Nueva? Initiated in 1975 in rural Colombia, Escuela Nueva – “New School” in Spanish – is a learning model set up in response to problems of education, incomplete schooling, high dropout rates, high repetition, weak school-community relationships, low teacher morale, ineffective teacher training and the lack of children’s learning materials. Since then,Continue reading “Escuela Nueva -adapting the model for displaced young people”

World People’s Conference on Climate Change

TckTckTck is reporting on the World People’s Conference on Climate Change Cochabamba, Bolivia is the site of the first World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth. Conceived by Bolivian President, Evo Morales following the unsatisfying results of the COP15 conference in Copenhagen, the meeting will bring together representatives from non-government organizations,Continue reading “World People’s Conference on Climate Change”