International Day against the Use of Child Soldiers

While working in Chad some years back, you knew when there was a spike in the conflict in the North of the country, as you would suddenly notice the lack of street children in town. They had been taken to be used as child soldiers. CRIN reminds us frequently about the continuing use of childrenContinue reading “International Day against the Use of Child Soldiers”

International Mother Language Day 2015

International Mother Language Day 2015 My mother spoke Welsh. My parents believed, at the time, that Welsh was a dying language and English was the only future for us -so we did not speak Welsh at home. Now Welsh is flourishing -a Welsh TV channel, pop groups proud to sing in Welsh -it is certainlyContinue reading “International Mother Language Day 2015”

Education and Equity – still trying!

We hear many stories about the lack of investment in education -particularly for the early years, but we should also consider how the present investment is being made -does everyone get a fair share? INEE has brought our attention to two new publications: The Investment Case for Education and Equity UNICEF   UNICEF has launchedContinue reading “Education and Equity – still trying!”