Earth Day 2021

It should not take a celebratory day to be concerned about our environment but it may provide an opportunity to connect with others and reflect on the actions that people can take to come back from the brink of an environmental crisis. Being an optimist (as well as a realist) it may be useful toContinue reading “Earth Day 2021”

End Corporal Punishment!

Whenever I visit countries, whether in Asia,Africa or South America -the model is the same, learners who are not achieving highly are too often threatened, humiliated or even beaten -is this education? When I started teaching, I joined STOPP (Society of Teachers Opposed to Physical Punishment). The Society of Teachers Opposed to Physical Punishment (STOPP)Continue reading “End Corporal Punishment!”

Those out of school -before the pandemic

School closure ,due to the pandemic, has affected all those who were attending school at the start of COVID 19. There was a rush to provide some sort of distance education for all those who were now not able to attend. Some learners may not be able to return to school (After Covid-19, millions ofContinue reading “Those out of school -before the pandemic”

Maths Games

We have seen during the pandemic, that students find some subjects, such as maths particularly difficult without guidance from a teacher or interaction with peers. Parents tend not to be so confident when supervising their children with maths at home.It is time to lift the lid on maths and make it more relevant and accessibleContinue reading “Maths Games”