From the WED website The 2012 theme for World Environment Day is Green Economy: Does it include you? Evidently, there are two parts to this theme and the first tackles the subject of the Green Economy. Visit the ‘What is the Green Economy?’ page to read a layman’s narrative of this concept. The UN EnvironmentContinue reading “WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY – 5th June 2012”

International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression – 4th June 2012

International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression – 4th June May 27 2012 “BEIRUT (AP) — Gruesome video shows rows of dead Syrian children lying in a mosque in bloody shorts and T-shirts with gaping head wounds, haunting images of what activists called one of the deadliest regime attacks yet in Syria’s 14-month-old uprising.”Continue reading “International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression – 4th June 2012”

A Second Chance to Put Conflict Sensitivity into Practice?

A Second Chance to Put Conflict Sensitivity into Practice? (Swisspeace) The current debates around state fragility and conflict as well as effectiveness and results provide a new momentum for rooting conflict sensitivity in operational practice. This increasing interest undoubtedly is a welcome development. To properly implement conflict sensitivity at the operational level it is necessaryContinue reading “A Second Chance to Put Conflict Sensitivity into Practice?”

Exploring the Politics of Reconciliation through Education Reform

Post conflict education reform can often just include strategies such as the inclusion of peace education, yet it demands wholesale changes of attitudes, through a more comprehensive approach including curriculum content adaptation and teaching approaches. The article below, from the recent INEE newsletter, reviews some strategies used in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Exploring the Politics ofContinue reading “Exploring the Politics of Reconciliation through Education Reform”