Edtech for Learning in Emergencies and Displaced Settings

Having some success with simple mobile phones for monitoring the work of volunteers in Tanzania -it is good to see the explosion of possibilities for using mobile technologies, particularly for isolated and rural contexts. [REVIEW] Edtech for Learning in Emergencies and Displaced Settings Michaelle Tauson and Luke Stannard, Save the Children The purpose of thisContinue reading “Edtech for Learning in Emergencies and Displaced Settings”

TRAINING: Managing Gender-Based Violence Programmes in Emergencies: E-Learning Companion Guide

I have been working in Tanzania and some of the reports of gender based violence are really quite unbelievable. Girls  may be married early, be abused and end up pregnant  and leaving school, be caned for arriving late at school and the list goes on. This free e-learning course supports our work when managing genderContinue reading “TRAINING: Managing Gender-Based Violence Programmes in Emergencies: E-Learning Companion Guide”

World Mental Health Day

The theme of this World Mental Health Day, Monday 10 October 2011, is “Investing in Mental Health.” Financial and human resources allocated for mental health are largely inadequate, especially in contexts of emergencies and post-crisis reconstruction. According to the UN Secretary General, “We cannot expect improvement in global mental health statistics unless we increase financial and otherContinue reading “World Mental Health Day”

For those working in emergencies – Global launch of four major INEE tools!

Those working for education in times of crisis and emergency need all the help they can get -and often very quickly. Four tools are being launched and information about this global launch, as well as the regional and virtual launch events is on the INEE website: www.ineesite.org/launches2010. The four new tools which  have been developed byContinue reading “For those working in emergencies – Global launch of four major INEE tools!”