World Refugee Day 2022

World Refugee Day 2022 From UNHCR Each year on June 20, the world celebrates World Refugee Day. This year, the focus will be on the right to seek safety. Every person on this planet has a right to seek safety – whoever they are, wherever they come from and whenever they are forced to flee.WorldContinue reading “World Refugee Day 2022”

Still under attack…education

INEE has promoted new reports on evidence that education is continually under attack. As mentioned before (personal comment not INEE)  education should at least benefit from a tax on weapons producers ,likened to ‘polluter pays’ arguments. A weapons producer should be taxed at a rate that allows a fund to be raised to ameliorate theContinue reading “Still under attack…education”

Why the UK has to take some responsibility for refugees fleeing from conflict zones…

The UK government seems to be hesitant in decision making concenring the present ‘refugee’ crisis as if it should be someone else’s responsibility. It may be worth exploring the link between Britain’s involvement in arms manufacture and selling  and the results of conflict that are partly fuelled by the manufacture and trade in arms. World’sContinue reading “Why the UK has to take some responsibility for refugees fleeing from conflict zones…”

Classrooms in the Crosshairs

In light of the International Day of Peace on 21 st September, it is necessary to reflect on war and its effects on education and children. Read the following report on how schools are use and misused during conflict in Yemen: Classrooms in the Crosshairs: Military Use of Schools in Yemen’s Capital Human Rights Watch ThisContinue reading “Classrooms in the Crosshairs”