Education and Fragility -case studies

  The INEE Working Group on Education and Fragility continues to advance the Situational Analyses of Education and Fragility, a major research project designed to strengthen the evidence base on how education can both contribute to fragility as well as serve to build resilience in fragile situations. For the Situational Analyses, the Working Group commissionedContinue reading “Education and Fragility -case studies”

FILM: Youth Zones – Voices from Emergencies

Youth Zones -Voices from Emergencies YOUTH ZONES documents the voices of young people affected by conflict and natural disaster. Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Lisa Russell, accompanied by spoken word poet Luke Nephew and youth activist Chernor Bah, facilitated discussions and conducted creative writing and poetry workshops with youth from Liberia, Colombia, Lebanon, Northern Uganda and NewContinue reading “FILM: Youth Zones – Voices from Emergencies”


Psychosocial Assessment of Education in Gaza (UNESCO oPt) UNESCO oPt recently commissioned a comprehensive report on the psychosocial impacts of the war and blockade on learners and on the overall education system in Gaza. The data collected reveals that despite showing impressive resilience in the face of enormous burdens, the psychosocial impacts facing the educationContinue reading “EDUCATION IN GAZA – PSYCHOSOCIAL ASSESSMENT.”

COP 15 (Copenhagen) closed in relative disarray and pessimism. Cop 16 finished slightly more optimistically in that the final agreement had only two disenters, due to fine tuning of the wording by the Mexican hosts. Almost 200 nations agreed on Saturday to modest steps to combat climate change, including a new fund to help poorContinue reading