Timor Leste – rising!

I have just received an email from Jorge, my translator when I started working in Timor Leste (East Timor), who then transformed himself into an excellent trainer. He writes: I have just returned from Lequidoe sub district (Aileu),  the first place where the 100 Friendly Schools project was piloted. I found no more signs of the 1999Continue reading “Timor Leste – rising!”

School is dead – long live Education!

When travelling to different countries you realise that many children are not being served well by their schools and  school systems. Some children may start to ‘fail’ on entering the first year of primary -why? They don’t speak the language of instruction and little accommodation is made for them. Some children fail to complete primaryContinue reading “School is dead – long live Education!”

Sustainable Development Goal 4 (i.e. SDG 4.2) – can we achieve it?

Sustainable Development Goal 4, in particular 4.2: SDG target 4.2: “By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education.”  Even this simple statement demands some unpicking – we have been attempting to increase access to primary educationContinue reading “Sustainable Development Goal 4 (i.e. SDG 4.2) – can we achieve it?”

The power of stories and storytelling – in Tanzania!

“A lion walked near the village one night, left its paw prints, and was heard giving its blood curdling roar. The next morning, all the children refused to go out. The Community Teaching Assistant, walked around to all the homes and encouraged the children to come with her as she said in a convincing mannerContinue reading “The power of stories and storytelling – in Tanzania!”