Chernobyl – birds dropping out of the sky!

Chernobyl – birds dropping out of the sky! On 26 April 1986, at 01:23 (UTC+3), reactor four suffered a catastrophic power increase, leading to explosions in its core. This dispersed large quantities of radioactive fuel and core materials into the atmosphere and ignited the combustible graphite moderator. The burning graphite moderator increased the emission of radioactiveContinue reading “Chernobyl – birds dropping out of the sky!”

ICT and education in crisis….

ICT and education in crisis situations. While working in Tanzania I have realised how a simple mobile phone can support education in rural and isolated communities,so I know ICT can make a difference-what about other marginalised learners? Can Technology Make a Difference for Education in Conflict and Crisis? Dr. Negin Dahya, University of Washington, commissionedContinue reading “ICT and education in crisis….”