The elders speak out on climate change -is anyone listening?

The Elders are a group of eminent global leaders brought together by Nelson Mandela. They include Kofi Annan, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Jimmy Carter, Mary Robinson and Desmond Tutu. In an inspiring personal letter (PDF), The Elders have urged 192 world leaders to attend the Copenhagen climate talks in person and to reach a fair, ambitious,Continue reading “The elders speak out on climate change -is anyone listening?”

So what is the deal on climate change? – results of COP15

BBC news provided the key points of the less than unanimous deal Copenhagen deal: Key points A US-led initiative called the Copenhagen Accord has formed the centre-piece of a deal at UN climate talks in Copenhagen, despite some countries’ opposition. Below is an explanation of the main points in the agreement. LEGAL STATUSThe Accord, reachedContinue reading “So what is the deal on climate change? – results of COP15”

Climate Change – the real truth?

Of course no matter what people say we do not know the truth but we may know some of the truths. What is more troubling about the climate change debate is that, as usual, it is being hijacked. On one side climate change activists may leave out some important facts, because we are not allContinue reading “Climate Change – the real truth?”

Cop15 – Copenhagen conference – climate and attitude change

After all the fuss, the conference has started , and remarkably positively. Are we interested? Due to the range of self interest groups there are a number of alternative interpretations of the scientific evidence. During the last few days we have seen the results of the Commonwealth meeting in Trinidad and Tobago – a wholeheartedContinue reading “Cop15 – Copenhagen conference – climate and attitude change”