International Women’s Day – 8th March 2012

2012 Theme: CONNECTING GIRLS, INSPIRING FUTURES If every International Women’s Day event held in 2012 includes girls in some way, then thousands of minds will be inspired globally. Each year around the world, International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8. Thousands of events occur not just on this day but throughout March to markContinue reading “International Women’s Day – 8th March 2012”

Red poppies – white poppies: celebrating peace or….?

That time has come round again when everyone is expected to ‘wear their poppy with pride’  – but which colour? This year it is supposed to be ‘special’ as the numbers ring up 11-11-11 -11. The colour that gets all the attention, is of course, red . It seems there are more threatening signs thatContinue reading “Red poppies – white poppies: celebrating peace or….?”

Youth – time for action? International Youth Day – Friday 12th August 2011.

The events in the UK during the last week has not only disgusted many in Britain, but with the worldwide spread of connected media -the whole world holds up young people in Britain as figures of shame. We all know it was a ‘handful’ of young disaffected youth that were to blame, yet the media seemsContinue reading “Youth – time for action? International Youth Day – Friday 12th August 2011.”

Campaign Against Gender Violence‏ – free resources

The Inter agency network for education in emergencies  (INEE) is supporting an international campaign that calls for the elimination of all forms of violence against women, begins tomorrow (November 25) and continues until December 10, International Human Rights Day. Worldwide, approximately 75 million children are out of school; more than half of them are livingContinue reading “Campaign Against Gender Violence‏ – free resources”