Peace building -new report

Peace is not just the absence of war -it can only be built through a range of strategies, policies and practice.

Report: Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy in Conflict-Affected Contexts Programme
UNICEF Programme Report 2012-2016

UNICEF has sought to increase risk mitigation and peacebuilding strategies in its programming. In this evolving context, the Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy in Conflict-Affected Contexts (PBEA) programme – Learning for Peace – was designed to strengthen social cohesion, resilience and human security through improved education policies and practices. The programme operated on the rationale that, when delivered equitably and effectively, education and other social services can strengthen capacities to manage conflict shocks and stresses, from the national to individual levels, and promote peace, while sustaining long-term development opportunities for children, young people and their supportive communities.

This report summarizes PBEA lessons-learned and provides an issues and evidence synopsis on how education and other social providers can address conflict factors in fragile and post-conflict contexts.

Click to read and download this resource.

Published by Ray Harris

Education Specialist in International Development & Sustainable Capacity Building. Blues Harp Player.

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